Sunday, March 27, 2011

Naughty Schoolboy.

Day 16 (though as it's 12:03am, it's kind of day 17, but that's another post I'm already composing in my head).
There was no actual t-shirt of the day. This morning when I needed to run out and buy cake I wore my Polar Beer shirt, and then because we were going out to dinner at the Belgian Beer Cafe before heading to the opera house for the Tim Minchin show, I thought I'd dress up a bit. But, you see, I still wanted to be cool. So I thought I'd imitate Max Scoville from Destructoid (he tweets here, check him out, we discussed whether or not you can eat Pokemon) in his business casual look:
I wore a nice tie, loosely knotted, with one of my Gap shirts, Levis, my oxblood Doc Martens and a suit jacket I bought at St Vincent De Paul.

Tanja had a.... specific reaction.

Which led to my ditching the tie and jacket.

Stupid fashion.

And yes, I do care what people think about how I look. I probably shouldn't, but I'd be lying if my shaving my head hadn't compounded my worry about looking un-noteworthy, or worse, negatively noteworthy. I am a bundle of insecurities. This should not be news to you.

1 comment:

Dooga said...

It's not news, no. But I don't know anyone who isn't a bundle of insecurities deep down. I'm suspicious of people that aren't.