Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Back now.

After mix-ups involving Daylight Savings Time and a very bumpy bus ride, we are now home and missing Byron Bay. We're both very tanned and rattling around the house a bit. My plants nearly kicked the bucket, despite only being left alone for 5 days. I have come to the conclusion that they are slackers.


Electric Chikken said...

The plants probably think the same thing 'bout you, you damn slacker.

Taqwa said...

At least they're good practice for when you and Tanja start the mating cycle.

Can't leave them kids alone for 5 days, they almost kick the bucket too.

Electric Chikken said...

I hear that with those, every other day they want food. Pop-tarts and iceycreams and the like. Not worth it.

Electric Chikken said...

Lucas, you know what? It's very difficult to scroll past the text from your holiday in order to get to text from before your holiday. I consider that a design flaw.