Sunday, April 09, 2006

Posting from the TAFE library

...Because Vicki finished early this morning. She's also told us that she feels she's taught us all she needs to for our EXTERNAL EXAM (I emphasize to emphasize the enormity of that) in 7 weeks instead of 16, and if any of us need anything, we're to make an appointment.

One one hand, I can sleep in Mondays now, as Ethics doesn't start until 1.

On other hand, GAH! Exam! She's taught us squat! This is the woman who, wehn asked a question she doesn't expect (or, I've hypothesized, doesn'tknowthe answer to) barks, "Find out!"

As in: "Vicki? Do you feel that since this is listed as part of the promotion mix, it should be classified as such, despite it being big enough to be it's own heading? And don't most companies include it?"
"Find out!" Oy.

Well anyway, as of Thursday I'm on school holidays for two weeks. Thank fuck, as my wonderful, sophisticated, erudite Tanja might say. During said holidays, despite working my usual hours, Tanja and I will be heading to her folks' place for Easter, David and myself will be going to see Buddy Guy and Robert Cray at the Enmore (!!!!!!!!), and (hopefully, if our schedules will let us pull this off) Tanja and I will be going to see Worth's band in Katoomba. Brad willing.

I've been getting Neil Gaiman's Sandman books (graphic novels, not comics) out of the library and really enjoying them. I'd be telling Tanja this, but she's confessed that she doesn't think Gaiman's "all that" and that he has an "ordinary guy fetish". She did this five seconds before I could properly gush. Oh well. I don't like her Sharon Penrose novels. So nyah.

And I've just filled up my little USB keychain with MP3s off the Fat Possum Records site. Hooray for post-punk-blues/blues/garage/rock.

And a guy here at TAFE is making me a CD of his "Baleric filter-tipped French gay biker haus not-proper-electro Prog". I'm afraid to actually listen to it.

Oh, and thanks to Tanja's diet thingy, I'm at 79 kilos. Actually 78.5, but Tanja says it's 79, and it's her scale. So I'm not going to argue.


Electric Chikken said...

Baleric filter-tipped French gay biker haus not-proper-electro Prog.

This probably isn't something I should admit to ANYONE, but that sounds like something I'd be into.


Tanja aka Tanjerine said...


We've since discovered that I think that comic book writer Neil Gaiman is excellent. I just find his novels a bit....not all that.

It's like black and white compared to full colour!

Also, I should really have read the Sandman back when he wrote them, back when I was in my wild and wayward youth. I have a feeling I might have been deadly, armed with those. Maybe I'd have dyed my hair black.