Sunday, April 30, 2006

Man. You guys all suck.

Hardly anyone got my songs. I must have wierd tastes. I mean, apart from cheese and jam sandwiches.

Here are the answers:
1. Dallas Crane - Dirty Hearts
2. Bob Dylan - Down the Highway
3. The White Stripes - Instinct Blues
4. Red Hot Chili Peppers - My And My Friends
5. Cat Empire - Luck Song
6. Three Dead Trolls In A Baggie - the War of 1812
7. Nirvana - Heart Shaped Box
8. Stealing My Heart - Rolling Stones
9. Death of a Clown - The Kinks
10. It Doesn't Matter - Alison Krauss & Union Station
11. Audioweb - Sleeper
12. Steriogram - Walkie Talkie Man
13. Poprocks & Coke - Green Day
14. Ash - Out of the Blue
15. Sorrow - Powderfinger
16. The Vines - Country Yard
17. Cherry Poppin' Daddies - Drunk Daddy
18. Powerman 5000 - Tonight the Stars Revolt
19. Nine Inch Nails - Beside You In Time
20. Rebel Yell - Scooter

My MX horoscope was rather right. Odd, that a free transit newspaper which specialises in oddball tidbits to amuse commuters like "In Germany, people often snack upon passing tourists with sweet mustard." could know the meanings of the stars and destinies and shit.

21 Mar-20 Apr
You may feel weighed down this week, as though you're carrying around an emotional bag of rocks. this will understandably make things difficult, but hang in there and persevere as your goals were never meant to be easy to achieve. Working through a tough time will ultimately empower you."

Cool. I hope I get a cool power, like flight or Nightcrawler-agility or adamantium claws. I can just see it now. "Sir, the video store is closing." *snikt* "I don't think so, bub."



Electric Chikken said...

Pfft. The only reason I dind't do one of those lists is because I didn't want to have to type out lyrics in Portugese. And Icelandic.

Not to mention bleeps and clicks at random intervals. How do you type that?

Ah, good 'ole Autechre.

Electric Chikken said...

You know you want to, Lucas. Your phone-dialling finger is itching...the random use of upper-case words is just too compelling.