by Lucas
1. Bought Thank You, a Stone Temple Pilots compilation at Hum Records. I wanted to get Tiny Music: Song from the Vatican Gift Shop (as this was the album I had taped from my cousin Dan in the 9th grade that turned me onto STP), but they were sold out. So I got this for 10 bucks. Turns out, whether by name or not, I know EVERY song on it. Yikes. This hasn't happened since Big Shiny 90s. And it's not a bad thing. It�s a good thing. Like swimming in your own soylent waste. (Bally! Craig! Ted! You must get that or I'm going to look weird! Er!)
2. Watched Rear Window. Very cool. There's good reason for it being a classic, Simpsons parody notwithstanding. Although, admittedly, I had to resist the urge to call out "I'm a MUR-DIDDLY-URDERER!" at one point. I also remembered (also from 9th grade) two of my classmates who, after we watched It's a Wonderful Life in class, continually referred to Jimmy Stewart as "ol' Jimmy" and talked like he lived down the block from them. "How you doin'?" "I'm good, you?" "Good. You?" "I'm good. Can't say the same for ol' Jimmy, though." "Ohhh, poor Jimmy. He's a character." etc.
3. Finished the book The Historian. Jeez that last few chapter stretched out. If they were going to go and talk to one more old cryptic monk, I was going to plotz.
4. Made this shirt.

In your face Mylo! And also Australian Idol! And no, the shirt is not yellow. It's off-white, it's just the picture.
1 comment:
Would this be a good time to stare blankly and say:
"I don't get it"?
I guess that'd be cruel. Heehee.
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