Thursday, September 22, 2005

Life.... Don't Talk To Me About Life.

I bought the new Hitchhikers movie. Despite everyone at work telling me, once I had explained that I was excited it was coming out, that they "didn't really care for it" or "didn't see it and didn't read the books" or in one case "won tickets to the premiere and walked out because I was bored." And I got a towel with it (thanks to the good folks at EZyDVD). And I snorted when they were attacked by the idea-fly-swatters. Again.

"Wait! I have an ide-" *THWAP!*


Now I'm off to get my hair cut at some posh place Tanja goes to.


P@ said...

Now I've got "So Long, and Thanks For All The Fish" in my head.

This is not a bad thing.

Taqwa said...

We need to work that into a movie-watching-marathony-type thing. *nod*

Electric Chikken said...

A hitchhiker's Guide Marathon! Where we watch that same movie over and over and over! Hurrah!