Saturday, January 13, 2007

Vanity (Warning: Wacky Hair Photo Post)

(Blurty people, head to the Blog to see these pics.)
I was this bored at work. I was on hold to wireless tech support for 47 minutes (it'd have been more, but I gave up). That's a record. And people wonder why I wear hats a lot. This is why:

Flock of Seagulls!

Fear the Fringe.

Shocked! Shocked and appalled!

Windblown Dragonball Hair!

After a little while of this and being amused at people's inability to concentrate while speaking to me, Toby finally broke the silence:

"Dude, put your cap back on. You're freaking me out."

1 comment:

Electric Chikken said...

You should go an entire day with Dragonball Z hair. Or The Fringe™.

That would be amusing. At least, for any onlookers.