Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Notice

Tanja and I have been doing some serious thinking and talking and we've only come to one conclusion:

The wedding's off.

Not the relationship, not the intent, and not the love, none of that, before you worry. The event that is the wedding is off. Tanja and I have been looking over our plans and they kept changing and slimming down and in the end all we were left with was compromises. And then there's the financial end of things. Even with all the compromises that we had made, this wedding would have still been a hugely expensive day for us, and we weren't even getting what we had originally wanted. It just seemed so much for stuff that wasn't really for us, you know? We still want to get married, don't get us wrong, but we'd be looking more at a civil ceremony and that we can do anytime. We've been kind of having this same conversation every week or so for the last few months.


Taqwa said...

Huh. Thats a surprise and a half.

dooga said...

I was surprised as well. But then, as I said, if you're doing the whole ceremony thing more for your families than for you, it ain't that attractive to go down such an expensive and emotionally draining route.

Anonymous said...

Well you're only going to do it once, so i think it's important that you do it right. right for you, i mean. if i were you i'd do the same thing, better to wait and do it properly than do a job you're not entirely happy with.