Thursday, December 13, 2007

Mongeese, Cocktails, and Missing Wonga.

For the first time ever, I’ve gotten a bike for Christmas*. Dad bought Tanja and I Mongoose Rockadile bikes. We’ve yet to try them out, but they look pretty fancy. They have (depending on which website you go to) 21, 24, or 30 gears (it says s-30 on the gear shift itself, so I think I’ll believe that). Considering I found my 18-speed over-geared when I was 15, I think that’s a lot.

My bike:

Tanja’s bike:

And we went out for cocktails at the Rose and I somehow misplaced $20. I had $180, then Dad gave me $60 for some shirts, making $240. I then bought myself two cocktails (totalling $20), Tanja’s and my dinners (and a beer for Tanja, totalling $30), and another beer for Tanja later ($5). I now have $175 in my wallet. WTF? I know I had a third cocktail, but Cecil was kind enough to buy me that. I hate when this happens.

*I’ve gotten a bike for a birthday once, but never for Christmas.


Anonymous said...

$240 minus the stuff you mentioned is $185, leaving only $10 unspoken for. and i bet that $10 just got turned into coins as a result of buying lots of things that were odd prices and getting lots of change.

also. . .30 gears? jesus christ. them things sound more difficult than cars.


Taqwa said...

Yeah, I thought that too, but I'm really bad with numbers, so I thought I was probably wrong..