Monday, June 26, 2006

Interviews and Spitfires

I'm on me holidays this week and next, and I've been using my time constructively (wandering around in my PJs, watching movies (including the awesome Band Of Brothers miniseries, all 12 hours of it). I've also got onto and started applying for jobs and building my profile. Well, this morning I get a call from a place wanting me to come in this afternoon at 3 and apply. Well, great. Then I get another call not five minutes after telling Tanja about the first and they want me to come in at 4:30 and apply too. They saw my resume and were "very impressed". Shit, I know my resume, and I'M not impressed. Oh well, who am I to argue. So I have two interviews this afternoon. Get out the cheap suit once again.

However, isn't it always the way, when something goes right, another goes wrong? I spent most of yesterday cutting a really cool stencil of a Spitfire fighter plane, and when I went to paint it this morning on a cool dark grey shirt. But, of course, the grey is too dark for black, so I painted it in white. Mistake. The stencil was of the shadows and now it just looks wrong. Shoot. I haven't screwed up a shirt in over a year now. Ah, well.


Electric Chikken said...

Good luck with your interviews! I hope you bring a fork to both.

*wiggles eyebrows suggestively*

Also, can you make with the drumming yet?


*grins inanely*

Taqwa said...

Way to bollocks a shirt..

It's John Beckers rubber band theory all over again!!

Speaking of jobs.. im thinking of trying to dig up an inbound place.. or at least a place that pays better than where i am now that won't have me on the phone.

Pfft.. fat chance of that..

Electric Chikken said...

Craig, if you're getting anywhere near the base rate at SP still, anywhere'll pay more :-P

That's why I refuse to do any voice work there. People on voice get a tele's retainer...and no commission. Yippee.