Thursday, June 15, 2006

Work, damn you!

I'm writing this in order to (hopefully) stimulate my creative processes. You see, I've finished all the bitch-ass assignments that I had due with the exception of one, and all of the exams I had except one. Shockingly enough, it's for the same subject. Advertising Case Studies. The dreaded Vicki.

I've been frustrated by assignments before. Clauston's mystified me with it's cryptic directions (that we're all sure he's reused from another class). Musgrove's was long, and involved a lot of typing and retyping of the same facts and research results. Steve's snap-focus deadlines gave me small starts of panic ("I want it emailed to me before 9 pm tonight." will be his historic line forever). But I've never felt this angry.

As you may recall, gentle readers, Vicki is the teacher who decided that after half-hols, she was through teaching us, and said that if we needed her, we could damn well make an appointment. Nice of her, wasn't it. She also hardly discussed the assignment after the second day. The idea was for us to work all together in a group to generate all the information for the report, but we were to do individual reports to hand in. Then she went on a tirade about plagiarism. My question is, if, say, Diniz writes the media plan and emails it around, and Matt writes the creative timeline, and we're to include both of these in our reports, how is it not plagiarism? Well, I KNOW that it's not, but I worry what she'll intrepret it to be. Also, she's provided no clear outline of headings or framework that we can punch our information into. I've had to email around and see what everyone else is using as headings so that I'm not way off base.

It's roughly due before the 22nd, which is the day of our exam. It's the 16th. I have another hour tonight, all the 17th, all the 18th (although, Tanja will be home both those days and damnit, I want to spend time with her too), all the 19th, all the 20th, 21st morning, 22nd morning, to write this report. Oh, and go over the case study given to us for the exam too. At some point.

I've gone past the working-with-a-movie-in-the-background phase. I dawdled in the playing-classical-music-and enhancing-my-mellow-so-I-can-work phase. Then the vacuum-and-put-away-dishes-to-clear-my-head-from-the-buzzing-words phase. I'm now smack in the middle of the blasting-Raconteurs(Saboteurs to those in Australia)-really-loud-and-damned-be-the-neighbours-while-I-try-to-make-sense-of-this-rubbish phase.

It's a good phase.

Tonight, Ted, Catherine, Tanja and I are going out for Thai in Newtown. I hope I'm not going to be a gloomy bastard. And I'll try not to drink too much. Maybe.

{note to Blogspot readers. Yes, I changed the title of my Blog again. Funny-Ha-Ha-Funny-Strange just wasn't doing it for me. I contemplated calling it "Across The Andes By Frog: the stirring story of one man and six amphibians who tried to defy the world in the greatest gamble of all", but have settled on "Binge Thinkers Anonymous"}


Electric Chikken said...

I wonder if the TAFE higher-ups are aware of the lousy job Vicki's been doing. Know if any students have brought it to their attention?

Electric Chikken said...

Also, you didn't seem gloomy.

Catherine and I had a good times :-D