Yeah, I wish I was meaning that in a more figurative way, but no. I do want them. See, I'm probably going to lose them. Well, not both front teeth, but the right one and the one to the right of the right one. It turns out that those infections I've been having every so often for the last year or so (you know, the ones where my face swells up like a boxer and I'm in a rather unnecessarily large amount of pain?) are signs that I have a couple of abcesses. Which means either a root canal and crown or they remove the teeth and I either get dentures or bridgework. It's going to be pricey. We're talking at least 4 grand and above, depending on what we do, and how many appointments it takes. Plus, I'm going to need a bunch of fillings and cleanings until then, so I'm basically going to be getting dental work until February of next year.
On a happier note, training at work is going well. There was a Fairy Tale dress up day, and in true Pratchettian traditions, I went as one of the evil overlord's Dread Guards. You know, the ones who run in when the baddie yells "Guards! Sieze him!" and get slaughtered? Yeah. Me. Craig, however, was the Fire. From Bambi. Calls of "Don't make me burn you!" resounded through the centre.
Oh, and we got Broadband. Well, I say got, I mean getting. It turns up on Monday.
Oof. Sorry to hear about the teeth problems. Maybe the Tooth Fairy will leave you something extra nice in exchange.
And Yay for Broadband!
Dont forget bigpond movies. I gotta sign yo ass up to that still..
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