Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Yadda Yadda Yadda

New comics, and stuff.

Oh, and going to see Hitchhiker's on Saturday. Huzzah!


Taqwa said...

Took your time with the update!

R0x0r by the way, i've REALLY gotta watch and give you ronin back.. i'll probably do that sat, very little time for doing stuff with my job now.. its like doing the UK shift at insight all over again.

On the upside, i've been promoted to verifier!
On the down, i still run on the base wage with no commission.
On the upside, there's a possibility of a raise when they give me a 2nd job next week!
On the down, then again, they may not.
On the upside, my boss admitted im waaay smarter than she is!
On the down, she's really great, and i dont like holding it over her by simply being there.
On the Upside (i think) im pretty sure she likes me
On the down, she's like.. twice my age.. or something.

On the upside, HAzzah for the guide!

Electric Chikken said...

Hooray for comics! And to think I was contemplating removing the link from my blog when I re-do the links next...

Just kidding. I'd still keep it there, honest!