Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Collect call from: "I'm not giving my name to a machine!"

New comics, once again.

Oh, and an afterthought: on the 4th of February, Tanja and I have been together for two years. In your face, doubters!


Taqwa said...

Oh yeah.. new comics are good..

2 years!?! i lost 50 bucks coz of you! lol

seriously though.. damn.. 2 years.. my record is like.. 3 months.

Electric Chikken said...

But I'm right about that spaceship you two were going to build together. HA! Did that happen? NO! You're both still on Earth, biatch! MUAHAHAHA!!!!!

Now I shall check out comics.

P@ said...

February anniversaries are the best! [grin]

Congrats to both of you!