Sunday, June 05, 2011

Trop tarde.

(Written Thursday morning, uploaded Friday night, not posted until Sunday. Work ethic!)

1 comment:

Dooga said...

I've noticed lateness is treated very differently depending on where you work. I used to be dragged over the hot coals at the RTA for being 2 minutes late, but my lateness had zero impact on the functions of the office. conversely at iinet, my team leader seemed to not notice lateness until she looked at the stats on her screen, then would schedule a stern follow up meeting. The thing she failed to notice when you come in, would be a huge thing when she noticed it after the fact.

I get stressed when I am late, too. I hate that feeling when you board a train and you KNOW that you're going to be late. When it's out of your control, like when there are trackworks or something, there's a feeling of helplessness and failure.

So I get where you're coming from there.