Sunday, January 02, 2011

Things I hate that everyone loves.

...damnit, I had at least 8 more that I suddenly can't remember.


Taqwa said...

I still contend you, Rhys and Ted weren't playing Assassins Creed right (or maybe not you, I can't remember who kept trying to tell me it was a bad game).

A lot of people whined about it and since Brotherhood got released (the multiplayer one) which forces people to play like.. Y'know.. an assassin I still haven't seen much against it.

In fact, from what I can see, players tend to rate it higher than reviewers (Which I'll tend to give more weight as for the most part, I find reviewers are prissy and will bitch and moan about a single weird feature).

Maybe it's just me, but they release an AC game that forces you to behave like one and suddenly people who were bitching about it like it? That to me smells of people who are confusing an assassin with goddamn rambo.

Although really? Cocker Spaniels?

Seconded on the Tourismo and pretty much all driving games really.

Electric Chikken said...

Hmm, I agree on a few points. Assassin's creed sucked, regardless of how it's played. I had Crag show me how to play it 'right' once.

Craig, remember how that went? Yeah.

My gripe was that in combat, the game was repetitive and uninvolving and outside of combat, the game was repetitive and uninvolving.

I have the same issue with olives.

Lucas said...

Craig: I hate cocker spaniels because I have yet to meet a nice one. All the ones I've met are skittish, overbred, badly-tempered, pop-eyed little nothings. I don't mind small dogs, love big dogs, but those things, to me, are irredeemable. And I didn't play Assassin's Creed wrong. Technically, any way you can play a game that it'll let you do is not wrong, or else it wouldn't be there. I just really disliked it. Primarily the movement, which had me continuously jumping back off walls when I wanted to go up. I much prefer the movement in Infamous, Uncharted 2, and Prototype.

Ted: You think olives are repetitive and uninvolving?